How to Negotiate Better - The Psychology of Negotiations and Negotiating Like a Pro

There's a lot of thinking and practicing that goes into learning how to negotiate better. A great negotiator has a fundamental understanding of human psychology and how to appeal to different kinds of people, and how to create value to fulfill different kinds of wants and needs in people. Use these tips and master the psychology of negotiations and soon you'll be negotiating like a pro.

4 Angle Grinder

138. Research into John Grinder and Richard Bandier. Read their books. Highly recommended for some POWER parts, especially on how to control your own mind.

4 Angle Grinder

139. In a world of skeptics, the honest man wins. Be open and honest about what you want and can offer. Have integrity. Stand out.

140. The mating dance is perhaps the most intricate negotiation there is as far as the psychology of negotiations is concerned. Practice approaching a member of the opposite sex and trying to immediately gain interest. I'm single. Email me with pictures if you're an attractive, intelligent, ambitious woman who knows what she wants in life and goes after it...if you can handle a challenge, that is...;)

141. Offer a random, non-"square" number as your purchase price offer. People are MUCH less likely in my experience to negotiate back after you give a price of , 271 than if you say 0,000. Why? I don't know why really, I just know HOW...and isn't that enough? It WORKS! Maybe because the more specific you are the more your mind seems made up? Trust me, this is a key part in learning how to negotiate better.

142. Write "CASH" after your offer. "Cash is king" remember. Offer to Purchase: , 271 CASH. Why worry over how to negotiate if they don't even think it's negotiable because of how you presented the offer?

143. Use "And of course I'd expect to get a discount for that...(silence)" when you uncover something negative. Wait for them to speak, justify, or argue as the psychology of negotiations in most people will prompt them to fill the silence because most people feel uncomfortable. They may concede the point. If not, let it go and come back to the point later from a different angle.

144. Try this and you will be ASTOUNDED at the results. Go to your local grocery store and say verbatim: "I need to go in front of you because I'm in a rush" and over 8 times out of 10 they will let you. Then try "I'm in a rush, may I go in front of you?" and you'll get a "no" HALF the time. Now, for the fun part. Try this: "I need to go in front of you because I need to buy these groceries". Again, the person in front of you will let you almost 8 times out of 10. Yes, I've done it...and no it doesn't seem to make sense! I mean, of course I need to buy groceries-- that's why I'm in line at the grocery store! There are THREE differences between what gets a high "yes" rate and what doesn't among these examples. Figure them out and use them in negotiation tactics you create on your own...and you will be well on your way to negotiating like a pro.

145. Learn to use the "pregnant pause" right in the ------ middle of the sentence. It builds anticipation. Anticipation builds value. Value is what negotiations hinge on. Do it at the right time and soon you'll be negotiating like a pro.

146. Have two people play off each other. There is nothing that brings you leverage as quickly as having two parties that want the same thing from you. Invite them both to be present to see that car you're selling- at the same time.

147. Never look impressed or eager. This is How to Negotiate 101. Poker face, ladies and gentlemen. Do the happy dance AFTER you're in different rooms and your great deal is signed and sealed. There are exceptions of course, but you'll pick that up with experience.

148. Assume the other guy needs you. The toughest part of how to negotiate better is often figuring out how badly the other guy needs you. The psychological effect of thinking the other guy has options will likely lower your confidence level during the tougher parts of your negotiation. KNOW HE NEEDS YOU and you have the psychology of negotiations on your side when you come from this belief.

149. If it has to be done right, leave it to the pros. You can read this article backwards and forwards, up and down, left and right, and still not come close to mastering negotiation. I'm qualified to say that because I certainly haven't "mastered negotiations"- and I wrote the article. So, here is a last piece of advice that will likely be more valuable than anything I just said if you have a situation that needs negotiating like a pro: When in doubt, or caught over your head, get a pro to negotiate for you. Pay them what they're worth. Skillful negotiation may be the highest value skill in the world.

150. Take a hostage negotiator from your local police SWAT team to lunch. Take NOTES. Whoa! What a rush! These guys know how to negotiate better than anyone. They get in the other guy's head like nobody's business. We're not talking a business deal, here. We're talking life or death and these guys have had the most intense on-the-job training imaginable. Pick their brain.

151. Make a great first impression. Use the "halo effect" to your advantage. People see us subconsciously through the lens of our first impression we made on them. Don't let this be sloppy, rude, arrogant, incompetent or another negative.

152. "That's not fair!" People want to believe they are fair. That's not only true psychology of negotiations but in life we want to be fair (and very much to have others believe we are fair). So, when negotiating, tell the other party when they aren't being fair. Do it LIGHTLY, jokingly, almost but not quite as if in the voice you would use in chiding a child saying: "Now, Johnny, you know you shouldn't be doing that..."

153. How to negotiate better? Invoke the law of reciprocity. Give and then receive.

154. ____________________________ ? Do YOU have a negotiation tactic powerful enough to share. Let me know about it, email me at mysuccesscoach_dan -at- yahoo and share...

How to Negotiate Better - The Psychology of Negotiations and Negotiating Like a Pro
4 Angle Grinder

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